LPVS Creations
EXPORTING an .IP / .IPTHEME to an .ICL file
Published on June 7, 2005 By lpworld In IconPackager
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I could have sworn there was a way to EXPORT or SAVE AS an .ip to a .icl file in IconPackager. Was this option REMOVED from the latest version?  IF NOT, would you please share on how to export an .ip or .iptheme to an .icl?
Thank you.

on Jun 07, 2005

There are 4 potential files in question. The .iptheme or .iconpackage files have the information for what icon goes where from their corresponding .ICL file (or loose icons). The .ip file is a zip of those content files for packaging, to keep things smaller and bound up in 1 file for downloads.

When you create an icon package under Package Builder mode (the View menu) and save it, you're saving the .iconpackage and .icl. From the File menu, you can use the Zip option to package a selected icon package up as a .ip for uploading/distribution.